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Friday, December 05, 2003


So I was perusing one of the many small, independantly-owned video stores in my neighborhood, and I notice that they've got a copy of "Reds," Warren Beatty's 1981 film. Oh boy, I say. I don't think I've ever found "Reds" in a Blockbuster, which is odd because it got so many awards and acclaim the year it came out. Anyway, the film is 190+ minutes long, and the guy at the counter only gives me one tape. I ask him if he's sure it's one cassette, and not two. He looks at the tape and says words to the effect of, "Yes, one tape. See, it does not say two tape." (Imagine a thick Russian accent.)

Satisfied, I bring the movie home. I start watching at about 8:30, and I have to admit I was thoroughly engrossed up until the time the end credits rolled. Unfortunately, they rolled at a little before 10! What the f*ck! Then I realized, the understated beginning of the film was actually the beginning of the second half. I watched the entire second half of "Reds," but hadn't seen the first half! No wonder it seemed kinda... superficial.

I angrily call up the video store, and they can't find the other tape. I'm going to go down to the store tomorrow and demand my money back, but as far as I'm concerned, the weekend's already off to a lousy start.


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