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Wednesday, November 30, 2005


10. The many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends.

9. Free turkey dinners, served to me in the homes of the many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends.

8. Leftovers from the free turkey dinners served in the homes of many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends, which I could not eat in-person due to previous engagements wherein I ate turkey dinners served in the homes of many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends.

7. Limeade.

6. That DC Comics’ “Infinite Crisis” is only five months away from being over. Seriously. So now the Silver Age Superman wants to destroy our universe. How refreshing, a superhero turned super-villain! DC hasn’t done that since, um, Hal Jordan, just a few years ago! Recently, the Avengers’ Scarlet Witch obliterated most of her colleagues. Now, evidently, it’s the Man of Steel’s turn to go nuts. Granted, the Silver Age Superman isn’t our universe’s Superman (He landed on Earth prior to World War II, meaning Cary Grant, not Christopher Reeve, played him in the movies). But this does not disguise the point that yet another long-existing hero is being made evil in order to add zest to a major comic book company ‘event.’ Has the idea well dried out to the extent that neither Marvel or DC can conceive of an interesting story which doesn’t fall back on the “heroes-gone-bad” trend? It was already getting old during the nineties!

5. Leftovers from the turkey dinner served by my family.

4. “The Free Press,” which consistently pushes me to be the best I can be, even when I would rather not.

3. My girlfriend K., who consistently pushes me to be the best I can be, even when I would rather not (K. actually falls under the category of “The many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends,” since she’s a best pal. She has also served me free turkey dinners, left over from when they had been served in the homes of the many wonderful people whom I have had the privilege of calling my friends. I’m mentioning her again, anyway).

2. Terrific movies like Ridley Scott’s "The Duellists," Tsai Ming-liang’s "Good bye, Dragon Inn," and Tsui Hark’s "The Chinese Feast." You can find reviews of all of them at my other blog.

1. Finally, did I mention the free turkey dinners?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

technically, Earth-2 Superman isn't a villain. not yet, anyway. that possibility certainly exists, but i doubt highly it will happen. i'm not saying Supes-2 won't fight Supes-1, but it's not like he's going to all of a sudden start killing people and eating babies.

also, turkey's good, isn't it?

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet only one of the turkeys had fermented tofu. And I will be sad when I run out of turkey around the end of the week.

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey is indeed good. I ran out last Sunday, but it still might be cheap enough to make more.

thecomicman--First baby the Earth-2 Superman eats, I get to say "Told ya so."

By the way, is The Flash going to be cancelled?

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, Flash is cancelled, along with Wonder Woman, Gotham Central, and Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight. but don't worry; they'll all be replaced with fifteen other titles.

12:37 AM  

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