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Friday, August 22, 2003


Today was my final day in the techpool. If you've noticed me bitching less and less about Bowne over the past few months, it's because I've had less and less to complain about. While the first few weeks were rocky, I've come to enjoy the people I work with, and the enviroment. Truth be told, I will miss Bowne. I've told HR to keep me in mind if new positions open up, and I've told XB to contact me when things get busy in December. And who knows? Perhaps grad school will not work out in the end. Not that I'm being pessimistic, but it's good to have a backup plan. XB told me I'm qualified to try for project manager, or at least something higher on the food chain than techpool worker. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind it at all.

So if anyone from the office (like the recently-departed May Badweather) is actually reading this: It was a fun 2-and-two-thirds months. I learned a valuable lesson, that I am smarter than the computer, yet dumber than the vending machine. I will miss all of you. See you soon.


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