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Friday, December 26, 2003


Mad cow disease: Cow rights activists' propaganda, or real dilemna? If it isn't propaganda, explain why you can make the following phrases by respelling the letters in, "MAD COW DISEASE."

Top 5:






"CASED DOME WAS I." Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! Noo noo noo, noo noo noo noo noo. Noo noo noo, noo noo noo noo.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


So I was riding on the subway to work this morning, and the train bypassed Newkirk Avenue. It stopped first, and I assume the conductor was gonna let passengers out, but there was a big dog on the platform, so the doors stayed shut. The conductor actually announced over the intercom, "We're not opening the doors, because we're afraid the dog will get in." They ended up bypassing Newkirk completely.

What's funny to me is that the dog wasn't rabid-looking, or even barking at us. It was just hanging around the platform (Perhaps it was waiting for a train.) And we've got this car full of passengers, hundreds of passengers, and we were held hostage by a single dog.

The animals will one day rule the world.

Monday, December 08, 2003


The Guggenheim Museum (Not the one I work for) will be showing the films of Italian genius Federico Fellini all of this month and January. On tap this Saturday: "Amarcord." (1973) Movie starts at 7 pm, and anyone who wants to come with is more than welcome (I mean, it's not like I own the museum.)

Fellini! Whoo-hoo!

Friday, December 05, 2003


So I was perusing one of the many small, independantly-owned video stores in my neighborhood, and I notice that they've got a copy of "Reds," Warren Beatty's 1981 film. Oh boy, I say. I don't think I've ever found "Reds" in a Blockbuster, which is odd because it got so many awards and acclaim the year it came out. Anyway, the film is 190+ minutes long, and the guy at the counter only gives me one tape. I ask him if he's sure it's one cassette, and not two. He looks at the tape and says words to the effect of, "Yes, one tape. See, it does not say two tape." (Imagine a thick Russian accent.)

Satisfied, I bring the movie home. I start watching at about 8:30, and I have to admit I was thoroughly engrossed up until the time the end credits rolled. Unfortunately, they rolled at a little before 10! What the f*ck! Then I realized, the understated beginning of the film was actually the beginning of the second half. I watched the entire second half of "Reds," but hadn't seen the first half! No wonder it seemed kinda... superficial.

I angrily call up the video store, and they can't find the other tape. I'm going to go down to the store tomorrow and demand my money back, but as far as I'm concerned, the weekend's already off to a lousy start.

Monday, December 01, 2003


Think your Thanksgiving was bad? Well, it probably was. But mine was even more miserable! Then again, maybe not. One thing about my Thanksgiving, though: It provided a venting of suppressed grudges amongst the various members of the Phil X-clan, and at the same time, resolved nothing. I guess we can try again next year, right? Woo-hoo, hand me the antacids…

We enjoyed the traditional Turkey Day fare: stuffed bird, cranberry sauce, all sorts of potatoes, fresh crab, desserts piled up on top of each other. But it was only a matter of time before the old grudges materialized. My eldest uncle started eating rice, so his son, my cousin Roy, told him not to. See, Eldest Uncle has some sort of kidney problem as a result of smoking his entire life and not taking care of himself. According to Roy, a few weeks ago Eldest Uncle woke up and his face was swollen like a basketball. His doctor advised him to give up rice and meat, and to eat vegetables and soup unless he wanted to, like, die. Eldest Uncle, however, says he will eat whatever he wants. There’s conflict #1.

Conflict #2 was between my cousin Miranda and my grandma, who has never liked Miranda’s mom, my aunt, because she was a gold digger who cheated on Second Uncle with a rich man. That was, like, fifteen years ago. Recently, rich man’s finances began to sour, and now he’s pumping gas for minimum wage. Gold-Digging Aunt has been trying to get back with Second Uncle, who makes a comfortable living as an engineer, but that isn’t going to happen. In the meantime, grandma never misses an opportunity to carp about how spoiled Gold-Digging Aunt is, how she never worked a day in her life, how she has always gotten by on her looks, which, unfortunately, have started to fade. I remember Gold-Digging Aunt being a pretty good cook, however. She was probably a better cook than grandma. And yet, look at how fast Miranda is chomping down her food, so she can get this over with and get the hell back to Queens…!

Eldest Uncle’s ex-wife was also in attendance, though she sat as far away as possible from Eldest Uncle. I always heard these stories about them brandishing knives at each other, and I was kind of disappointed that that kind of thing didn’t happen when I had the chance to see it. Once dinner was over, Roy’s girlfriend Shannon brought out this giant ice cream cake she and Roy bought. We all admired it in its cardboard box. Then Second Uncle broke out a knife and started slicing it up.

It was a wonderful cake. Apparently, it had been Shannon’s idea to purchase it. Isn’t she a wonderful girlfriend, said Roy. Phil, he said. When are you going to get a girlfriend?

At some point in the ensuing conversation, my mom, who was visiting from Miami, piped in. She mentioned that she and my Third Aunt (wife of Third Uncle—they were both in attendance, but wisely stuck to eating, not talking.) ran into one of third aunt’s cousins. Supposedly, I had met her, though I cannot recall who she is. Anyway, this woman I don’t remember meeting mentioned she had a daughter about my age, and that the two of us should meet. To this, my mom replied, “Better not. Phil doesn’t have a job yet, and he only has an English degree.”

I heard about all of this for the first time that Thanksgiving Eve. Now, on the surface I was very nonchalant, stirring my port and sniffing my ice cream, something like that. But underneath, I couldn’t help thinking, “Jeez. My mom basically told this woman, ‘My son isn’t good enough for your daughter to meet.’” What kind of mother undercuts her own son like that? I hope this was all, like, reverse-psychology or something. Maybe this relative of my Third Aunt is lacking something, and my mom figured her daughter would carry the same defect. I can only assume that she was being cruel to be kind. Man, would I be depressed otherwise.

Well, my mom flew back to Miami, and Thanksgiving is long over. I think there’s still a couple of untouched pies sitting in the refrigerator. My mom left them there, so I assume she thinks I’m good enough for them. At least I’m good enough for SOMETHING.