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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

-LOOKS LIKE NORTH CAROLINA SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS will be John Kerry's choice for Vice-President. News came out this morning. Good thing, too, because the suspense was killing me.

On a related note, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein agreed to sign off on the minutes of his trial today. In exchange, he got to cross, "Forced to keep waiting to find out who John Kerry's VP choice will be" off the list of ways to be put to death.

-CNN says that The New York Post ran, "KERRY CHOOSES GEPHARDT FOR VP," as its cover story. Apparently, they jumped the gun. No one I know reads The Post (Except me), but maybe somebody picked it up, just for the Dewey-esque blurb. If so, save me a copy?

-Finally, apologies to Jay. I won't be able to go on that road trip. I've spent too much money on gas here in Miami, so I'll need to go back to work immediately once I return to NYC. I would've gotten back to you sooner, but I stopped checking my blog for comments (Who comments?) a while back. Have a great trip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read it.


9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem Phil. The x country trip was a pipe dream which never manifested itself. I should have put more than 4 days of planning into it, I suppose.

My dad snagged a copy of that Post issue and is tempted to eBay it since I got $20 for the misprinted Bush Wins issue.


11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. Can't kill the blog if people still read it.

Jay, are you talking about the "Kerry selects Gephardt cover?"

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



8:19 AM  

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