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Monday, March 15, 2004

In the near-future, the stereotypical image of the Spaniard must be changed from the macho matador of the Hemingway novels to a cancan dress-wetting Euro-coward who gets spooked by the sight of his own shadow.

Yes, the terrorist attack on a Madrid train station last Thursday was as brazen as it was horrifying. Multiple explosions left over two hundred people dead. The weapons were as innocuous as backpacks, yet the results were devastating. But let us not forget that this was a retaliatory attack from Al Qaeda, punishment for Spain for sending troops to Iraq. This was a retaliation on Spain for aiding the U.N. occupation; this was revenge for bringing freedom to a country which had suffered in the grip of tyranny. The people who planned, then carried out these horrifying attacks, are the same misogynistic thugs who stone women for walking in public with their faces exposed, and whose desire is to maintain a status quo of ignorance and poverty, where their machine guns will easily be the loudest voice. These same Islamic extremists, these Al Qaeda scumbags, made a slaughterhouse out of the Alcala de Henares. In essence, they were “sending a warning” to anyone who would dare mess with them, the same way mafia soldiers shoot guns through the windows of prosecuting attorneys. All these tactics are means of intimidation, of ruling through fear.

And Spain has clearly shown it lacks the fortitude to stand up to this bullying.

Less than two days after the March 11th bombing of the Alcala de Henares station, Spain’s conservative government was swept out of power. The new Socialist regime wears this bemused grin on camera, like they know they just got away with stealing something. And in fact, they did. Before the terrible bombing, the conservatives were comfortably in the lead. But then came that fateful morning last Thursday, and the fateful suckerpunch by the Al Qaeda mafioso. The public was left in a state of shock and fear. They realized that, in the face of terrorist aggression, they had only two options to choose from:

(A) Choose to do the “right thing:” Continue supporting the conservative administration, along with the occupation of Iraq, which was definitely improving life in the small, historically-abused nation.

(B) Appease the terrorists. Kick the conversatives out and replace them with whoever can get Spanish troops out of Iraq the quickest, thus ensuring that Al Qaeda will no longer attack you.

Look, you Spaniards, you. I will admit that President Bush definitely screwed up the Iraqi occupation by not getting the U.N. involved sooner. Secondly, I will concede that there is every chance that he lied outright to both Congress and the world about his initial reasons for invading Iraq. But you Spaniards, man, you are going to be kicking yourselves six months from now when you look back on this election. This was not an election informed by either logic or political affiliation. The voters were still reeling from the bombing; they felt like there was a mugger holding a knife to their necks, and they wanted the bad man to go away.

However, by hitting the panic button so readily, you Spaniards have shown the terrorists how easily deterred you can be. Yes, Spanish troops will be evacuated from Iraq. But unless the Socialists intend to isolate your country, a la pre-1990’s China, odds are good that Spain will get involved with world events at some point. Do not think that improved security will deter Spain’s enemies from lashing out once more, from “sending a warning,” like those aforementioned mafioso. Not when your nation’s resolve is so questionable. Not when the terrorists know how easily your country can be intimidated.

Thanks for showing your true colors, Spain. Al Qaeda are probably cheering in their mountain hideouts this very moment, in between meetings where they plot a major hit on the United States two days before the November presidential election. I hope it doesn’t happen. But if it does, I am sure the U.S. will respond very differently from you. We will remember who the enemy is—Islamic fundamentalists—and our peoples’ resolve to capture and crush terrorist cells will only grow stronger. This is not pro-Bush propaganda. If his invasion of Iraq has proven one thing, it is that Bush Jr. himself does not know who the real enemy is. However, the American people do. We are not the type to be easily intimidated.

The March 11th bombing in Madrid has been referred to as “Spain’s Sept. 11th.” Both days will live in infamy, but that is all they have in common. America’s September 11th brought out the best in our country. Spain’s has seemingly brought out the worst in them. For shame.


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