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Monday, November 18, 2002

Mmm... More TV Nostalgia...

Top 5 Shows That Ran for a Long Time, or are Still Running, When They Should Have Been Cancelled Many Moons Ago...

(Disclaimer: Since I didn't/don't find many of these shows interesting, there is every chance that I don't know anything about them. What, you expect this page to be informed?)

(5) Ally McAlly. All I know is that Futurama did a parody of it called "Single Female Lawyer." I will miss Futurama.

(4) NYPD Blue. This year--a shocking new storyline! Dennis Franz becomes an alcoholic again! I've never watched this show, but from the commercials I've seen, Dennis Franz seems to jump back on the wagon every other year. Could his life be that bad? Anyone remember the movie "Arthur," starring Dudley Moore? He managed to stay off the hooch, and that was AFTER he sobered up and discovered he was married to Liza Minnelli! If Arthur could do it, Dennis, you must be some kinda wuss...

(3) The X-Files. For four years, this was the most riveting and consistently suspenseful show on television. Unfortunately, it ran for nine years.

(2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Watched the entire first year. 28 episodes = 28 rapes/ sexually related crimes. What have I been conditioned to think since then? Penis bad!

(1) Any ideas, people?


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