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Monday, November 04, 2002

So I rewatched Woody Allen's 1999 movie "Sweet and Lowdown" yesterday, and I realized something important: Mute girls are so cool! They're absolutely adorable. It isn't so much that they can't nag you, not out loud anyway. It's how much more expressive their faces and body language are, in order to compensate for the inability to speak. Even in "The Piano," I found mute Holly Hunter kinda sexy in an older woman-kinda way.

But while I find mute girls absolutely adorable, I realize others might prefer blind girls. Or deaf girls. Could someone actually think blind girls are cuter than mute girls? I have to find out! Let's play...


It's pretty straightforward. Just answer the following question:

If your mate could have one of the following handicaps, which one would it be? Would she be...

(A) Blind
(B) Deaf
(C) Mute
(D) Other (Please describe.)

Girls can play too! Everyone's a winner!


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