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Friday, June 06, 2003


Today was better than two days ago, but not better than yesterday, which, in turn, was better than the day before yesterday, or two days before today.

When I left the office yesterday, XB, my supervisor, said I didn't have to come into work today. Then she said I didn't have to come in again until she or someone from techpool called.

For a while, I suspected that I had been fired in about as indirect a way as possible. After all, up until yesterday, I had been doing terribly. And while I finally started to get the hang of all this macro-running yesterday, for all I knew, XB had already gone to her supervisor Wednesday, and set in motion plans to dump me like a Sylvester Stallone flick in the spring movie season. For all I knew, I was as ready to be toppled as a NY Times editor balanced on a flagpole on a windy day.

But I just got a call asking if I could come in Monday morning. So I guess everything's okay.


But before I move on to more important stuff, has anyone who attended thecomicman and sam's little soiree last night seen my stranglin gloves. I apologive if I've already asked you this question, but I really love those gloves, and the loss of them would wound me deeply. They're black gloves, really comfy. I really, really, really hope I left them at thecomicman and sam's place.


Since I had an unexpected day off, I decided to finally go see The Matrix Reloaded at my local theater. Since it's a weekday, I went to the morning show and got to see it for bargain price. Good thing, too, because it's only half a movie!

But I did enjoy it. I probably need to see it again just to understand everything the Architect was babbling about. And while I initially chuckled at the whole "Fate of mankind rests on Neo's kissing power" scene, I thought it made perfect sense by the end of the film. I don't know who the Monica Belluci character is supposed to be, but I suspect she knows about the decision Neo ultimately has to make, but had her doubts. After Neo super-kissed her, she probably realizes that yes, Neo will sacrifice all of humanity to save Trinity. See, it's not just for horny teenagers.

Also, the ending of Reloaded has helped me better appreciate the ending of the first movie. Did Neo really wake up after being shot by Agent Smith because he heard Trinity cooing at him? Or was it because he could feel the machines inside the Nebuchanezzar, and this shocked him back into being. Who knows? Who knows?


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