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Tuesday, September 23, 2003


You know, this constant tug-of-war that's been going on in my head--What do I want to study in grad school? Film production? Library Science? Education? Law?--has been driving me up the wall. Maybe the right answer is... no answer! I am serious as a heart attack. I have one college degree, which is more than a lot of people have, and that should be enough. Why throw myself back in the lion pit? No more fucking lions!

If the economy hadn't soured, like, six months before I graduated, this wouldn't even be an issue. I would've gotten some entry-level job, spent the last year kissing ass, and I wouldn't have given grad school a thought. And when I really think about it, if I had such a job right now, and it provided enough money so I could rent my own place and keep myself in cheap HK vcd's, grad school would be out of sight, out of mind.

Instead, I have the parentals warning me that EVERY DAY I HAVE TO COMPETE WITH THOUSANDS OF NEW GRADUATES. Okay, what fucking school has graduations on the 23rd of fucking September? And even if there are thousands of new graduates I have to contend with, who were fired from their previous employment, this wasn't my fucking choice! I did the best I could, I didn't actually want to play in the shallow end of the pool. Unemployment is one of those things that just kinda happens. Does anyone think I like it that I can't get jobs that I could've gotten when I first moved here?

But I guess that's life. Of course, even after dropping me in Miami and forcing me to grow up in the brotha-hood for twenty years (I swear, those Miami census graphs read "Miami suburban population: 400,000. Asian population: YOU"), life still can't cut me a break. But it's nice to know that a hard-working college grad like me can go from middle-class upbringing to jack shit. God bless America.


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